Tuesday, September 7, 2004

George Clooney. Why I love him. Today


It has been a long time since I mused about my love, George Clooney. Too long! I love him, as most of you know. Not in a weird-stalker way. Not in a break-into-his-house and wear his underpants way. Not in a steal-his-car way.

No, no. Just in a lustful way. Although I would settle for a cup of coffee. Or a hug.


"Ocean's Twelve" comes out in December!!! Yea!!!!

And here is a lovely website in case you are ever searching for the perfect gift for moi. The thong is especially classy. Not! But I would accept anything else!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on. You'd definitely wear his underpants if you could. ;)

Who'm I kidding? I would, too.