Thursday, September 9, 2004

Highlights from this week's student crime log

August 13, 2004
Time Unknown
Evergreen Hall

An alarm company representative reported that, while inspecting smoke/heat detectors, he came across one with long black hairs protruding from the cover. Further inspection showed the smoke/heat detector hadbeen disassembled, filled with long black hairs, and then reassembled. Damages and replacement materials were estimated at $150.

August 23, 2004
1:42 p.m.
Wilson Hall area

An officer observed a male subject running through lot A-1. The subject appeared to be in possession of a wooden samurai-type sword in a wooden sheath. The officer approached the subject and attempted to get his attention but was unable. The subject was wearing headphones attached to a portable compact disc player. The volume was extremely loud, so verbal attempts to contact the subject were ineffective. The officer was eventually able to get the subject's attention. The subject was approached from behind and directed to place his sword on the ground prior to the officer exiting his sword-proof vehicle.
The subject was found to be in possession of a wooden samurai sword with silver tape around the hilt. The subject was cooperative and explained to the officer that the sword was for practice and that he always carries it with him when he jogs. The subject was advised that it was not appropriate to carry a sword on university property and advised not to come back with it

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