Sunday, March 13, 2005

Florida and New York

It's Spring Break! For those of you who ask, "But don't you miss reporting, now that you are a teacher?" My answer is "Sure." Except not during Spring Break!!!!!!!!!

Am in Orlando right now. It is SUNNY here. I forget about the sun, now that I am back up north again. Last night, my sister and I went to a silent auction (The FurBall) for the non-profit my mom is in charge of. Here is the link: Adopt a shelter animal today! Do it for me, since I have allergies.

There were lovely stuffed mushrooms at the auction. They were stuffed with cheese and ham bits. My sister, the vegan, gnawed out all the ham bits and ate the cheese.

On Thursday, I fly to NYC for the annual College Media Advisors conference with my students. Just looked on the weather, though, and it is going to snow on Thursday. Argh. I hope I am not stuck in an airport for hours.

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