Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Petey at the Pet Psychic

This was written by my friend, Kristen, who interviewed a pet psychic and brought her adorable beagle with her. This is what Petey told the Pet Psychic.


Posted on Tue, Feb. 22, 2005
So, what's on this dog's mind?

Inquirer Staff Writer

People who have never met me demand the latest stories about Petey, my mischievous, adorable beagle/basset hound.

In the two years he has lived with my husband and me, he has made quite a name for himself, slipping out a cat door so he could lounge on lawn chairs in the middle of the night or stealing an entire tray of appetizers at a party.

So I was very interested in what animal communicator Elizabeth Severino might tell me was on this complex canine's mind.

First off, he seemed glad to see her.

"He said, 'I know your heart. You love beagles,' " Severino told me. She said Petey had told her that his hips hurt from the 25 extra pounds he carried when we first took him in. "As far as he's concerned, he was semi-poisoned inside. He got out of breath a lot."

She recommended we start giving Petey a joint supplement to help his hindquarters.

Pete started gabbing, unprompted, through Severino.

"He's much more connected to you than to the man in the house," she translated while Petey roamed around. "He feels very bonded to you."

(Ha-ha! Petey likes me best!)

Still, my husband does OK, too. Pete told her that they cuddle big-time while I'm away.

"He says you have given him a new understanding of what humans can be," Severino said of the two of us. "You laugh with him, not at him."

So why the antics? Pete was nonchalant.

"Left alone," Severino said, "he will eat anything in sight. The first time he ate something he wasn't supposed to,you thought it was funny. He does it for entertainment."

Then Petey started talking names. As in, his isn't exactly Petey.

Ours is Petey's third home. In his first, he was called Snickers, Severino said. But the moment she let that secret out of the bag, Severino apologized to Snickers/Petey.

"Oh, she's not calling you that," Severino said. "You didn't want me to tell her; I'm sorry."

Severino gave Pete a pat and asked: "Do you call him Peter Boo? Peter Boof? He likes that best of all."

Now, skeptic is part of my job description. But in moments of levity, we do call him Peter Boofus. How did she know that nickname?

Severino smiled.

"He's relaxed," she said. "He's open. Good boy, Petey!"

Contact staff writer Kristen Graham at 856-779-3927 or kgraham@phillynews.com.

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